A Two Car Family

Since we moved, we had been a one car family. At first, we had a rental car. After a few weeks, we bought the Toyota Matrix which would end up being Cynthia’s car. But, we hadn’t gotten a vehicle for me yet. Santa had come and gone and still I didn’t have a car. So, on Boxing Day, we decided to go out and see if I could buy a car.

We went to Frontier Infiniti and I asked to see some of their used G35 sedans. They had several models, but they had a great deal on a 2005. It was the car they listed in their ads to bring in customers and its sticker price was a couple of thousand below the other vehicles they had. I asked the saleswoman if I could take it for a test drive and she seemed a bit uncomfortable. Turns out she had just finished a test drive with another customer who was looking for his wife to show her the car because he thought it was perfect for them. She decided to let me go for a drive with her. As I put the car in drive, she looks over and sees the other customer come out of the building with his wife. He didn’t look too happy. Cynthia was standing there as he apparently said “he is going to buy that car”.

I had already test drove a G35 before when we were looking at the Matrix and I have friends who have had them for a few years who are very happy so I was pretty sure this is what I wanted. The car handled great. It seemed to be in excellent shape and well maintained. It had reasonable mileage (I had to keep converting from miles to kilometers though because 40,000 miles is very different from 40,000 kilometers). There was just one mark on the paint on the passenger side.

So, I bought it. The only complication was insurance. I couldn’t arrange insurance that day so I couldn’t leave with it immediately. While at the zoo, I got an email from my insurance company that it was now covered so on the way home from the zoo, I stopped in to pick it up. We were a two car family again. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of our new cars yet but hopefully I will have something to put online soon.

Since then, I passed by driving test so I now have my California license also. Cynthia’s test is scheduled for a couple of weeks from now and I am sure she will pass. The examiner said that he has never failed a Canadian driver, so there you go. Apparently we are all good drivers.

Samantha Eats Her First Ice Cream Cone

Samantha ate her first ice cream cone and Cynthia captured the result. Check out the video to the right to see how messy she is.

Samantha’s First Birthday

First BalloonsSamantha celebrated her first birthday this past week. Last weekend, we had a party for her and lots of friends and family attended. Samantha wore the dress Grandma Heather made for her. It was a great party and Samantha was very happy as the photos show.

We will add some more details later. For now, check out the pictures.

Samantha At Seven Months

Cheerleading Samantha - 2Samantha is starting to change more quickly. She is sitting now. You have to put her in a sitting position but once she is there, she balances very well and reaches for things and only rarely falls over. She rolls over onto her stomach all of the time and is definitely close to crawling. Samantha will pick her body up and be in a four point position and then rock a bit. Then, she will go back onto her stomach, lift up her arms and legs and flail for a little while. Then, back up on all fours. She will figure it out soon I am sure.

But still, she is pushing herself backwards with her arms. Of course, she is looking at something in front of her and trying to go in that direction so she ends up pretty frustrated when it ends up farther away. But, if you look away for a moment, she will have moved some distance when you look back.

The latest thing she is doing is clearly saying “ba” over and over. Just a couple of days ago, Samantha and Matthew were saying “ba ba” to each other back and forth. Cynthia and I looked at each other knowing that before we know it, we will have another voice in the house and the volume will be that much louder.

Samantha’s First Meal

P1070064.JPGI have been delinquent in updating the website so this isn’t exactly news because it happened two months ago now. But, Samantha had her first real meal and we have the pictures to prove it. As you can see, she did fine and only had a bit on her face. Of course, since then we have had some messier meals.

Now she is up to having three meals a day. She is eating cereals like rice, barley and oatmeal with a bit of something else mixed in like peas or sweet potatoes. But what she really likes are the rice cookies afterwards. She gets to feed those to herself and she sucks on them until they disappear.

Still no sign of teeth but they should be starting to arrive soon.

Samantha in January

Samantha and DollySamantha is still seemingly the happiest baby in the world. And we have some pictures to prove it. Honestly, she really does seem to be smiling almost all of the time. She is now up to 13 pounds, 12 ounces and is still fairly small for her age but is very healthy and doing very well. She isn’t rolling over yet but gets very nearly there. Not nearly as much babbling as last month but she is making stranger and louder noises and is definitely experimenting with her voice. Soon enough, she will be half a year old and who knows what she will doing then.

Samantha in December

This month, instead of pictures of Samantha, we have a video. The video clip shows her latest pass time (first pass time?). When she is in the right mood, she has started to babble to us. She looks us in the eyes and babbles for several minutes. Cynthia captured this clip of her a few days ago and is a good example of what she will do. We can’t remember much from when Matthew was that age, but we don’t remember him doing this, or perhaps not to this degree.

Of course, Matthew was ahead of her on rolling over. Samantha had her four month check up and the only thing on the list she wasn’t doing was rolling over. Although our memory is fuzzy, we are sure Matthew was doing that on time. But it isn’t much of a concern and certainly Samantha will be rolling over soon enough. She is holding her head up very well and is very steady. And at her last measurement during her check up, she had reached 11 pounds, 11 ounces.

Even better, she is starting to sleep though the night. Several times now, she will have her last feeding around 7:00 or 8:00 and then not wake up for another feeding until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning which is pretty good. I think she made it to 5:00 once. I suppose this is her Christmas present to us, which we will take gladly.

But best of all, she is just as good natured as ever. Only rarely does she cry out and usually when she does it is because she is scared. When she is hungry, she smacks her lips and gives us other signals but doesn’t cry much at all. She is all smiles and she giggled the other day when I was changing her. Cynthia thinks I tickled her a bit. Not sure what it was but it was a funny sound.

It is nearly Christmas as I write this and I hope to get some pictures of events around the house here tomorrow. Until then, Merry Christmas to everyone.

Samantha in November

P1060053.JPGNovember has been a great month for Samantha. She went to the doctor for a check up about two weeks ago and everything is just fine. At the time, she weighted 9 pounds 14 ounces. Just today, Cynthia took her to a weekly “Well Baby” event and she weighed 10 pounds 10 ounces. Of course, there was another baby there who was 3 days younger and 3 pounds heavier. Just like Matthew, she is smaller than average but growing and progressing well.

The pictures linked here are mostly of Samantha but there are a couple of others of Matthew and the rest of the family. As the pictures show, she is starting to smile a bunch. She still has a great disposition and is very patient when she is hungry. The feedings are still averaging about every 3 to 3.5 hours but every once in a while she will go 4 or 5 hours in a stretch. We are getting a bit more sleep though.

She is enjoying her gym a fair bit also. The pictures show her sleeping in it but that was after playing for a while. She kicks and grabs for the toys hanging over her. So, when she isn’t sleeping, she really likes to play in the gym.

Away last week

Last week, I was on my first business trip in about seven years. Also, it was the first time since we were married that Cynthia and I had been apart for any significant period of time. Cynthia was pretty worried about taking care of both Matthew and Samantha on her own for a week, but she did very well. The day before I left, she and I did a bunch of cooking to prepare lots of easy to re-heat meals. We still have some left-over tomato spinach soup in the fridge.

The trip was fairly uneventful. I left on Sunday and it did look like we might end up stuck in Chicago. The flight from Ottawa to Chicago was delayed and there was a chance we would miss our connection. But, everything in Chicago was delayed. We arrived at San Jose airport at about 12:30 local time which made for a very long day.

Unlike years ago when my trips were mostly to visit customer sites to perform upgrades or to fix problems, this trip was to our Mountainview location to begin planning our next software release. The work days were long, attending meetings in the day, working on the current version of the software when we could and leaving for a late dinner and the hotel late at night. As often happens to me on business trips, I came down with a cold almost immediately and am just getting over it now.

The other difference with this business trip was getting back home. When I was travelling years ago, I would get home to a quiet and empty apartment. This time, I returned home to a family which was very happy to see me.

Samantha At One Month

P1050755Samantha continues to grow and is doing very well. She had a checkup with the doctor last week and is now up to 7 pounds, 3 ounces. The funny thing is that good friends of ours, Christine and Joe who recently invited us to their place to celebrate their son Quinn’s birthday, just had another baby Wade. Wade arrived at 7 pounds 4 ounces, so Samantha is probably the exact same weight as Wade although she is a month older.

She is still just eating and sleeping of course and we are managing the late night feedings well. We do look forward to the day when she sleeps through the night but that will be a while yet. She is also getting pretty strong and is holding her head up without any problem. We still need to be very careful because she will often just decide to go limp and we have to be ready to catch her head. She’s just trying to keep us on our toes.